You’ve probably noticed that when movies or TV shows get really intense, they begin using close-ups (possibly even extreme close-ups). That’s because the human face communicates a lot of information (more information than you’re probably consciously aware of). It’s no stretch to say that human beings are very facially centered. So having all of your […]
It’s hard to be apart from your hearing aid once you get used to using one. Your hearing aids are, after all, your connection to the world around you. But it will periodically have to be updated or swapped out just like all technology. A hearing aid’s average lifespan A hearing aid will normally last […]
Your hearing won’t be simply gone one day when you wake up. Hearing loss, especially when it’s caused by aging, generally advances in degrees. You may not detect it’s occurring immediately but some indicators do show up earlier. The early symptoms of progressive hearing loss are subtle. Recognizing them sooner is essential to delay the […]
You know that scene in your favorite action movie where something explodes near the hero and the sound gets all high-pitched-buzzing? Well, at least some level of mild brain trauma has likely happened to them. To be certain, brain injuries aren’t the part that most action movies linger on. But that ringing in our hero’s […]
You’ve watched the videos on TikTok. Babies, after they just get fitted for hearing aids, hearing the voice of their mother for the first time. In some videos, the baby is uncertain initially. They struggle when the doctor attempts to place the device in their ear. Before they smile with delight, they may cry a […]
Pizza is an interesting thing. You can switch up the toppings, sauces, even the cheeses concerned, but as long as it meets some basic criteria, it’s still a pizza. Hearing loss is similar. Symptoms and presentations are due to many different issues – loud noises, genetic factors, age, ear blockages – but as long as […]
Have you ever slept with the window in your bedroom open and woken up to the beautiful sound of birds singing just as the sun comes up? Most people probably aren’t even aware that the name for those bird-songs is the “dawn chorus”. Birds see the sunrise and, for some reason, decide it’s time to […]
A car isn’t really an impulse purchase (unless you’re really rich). Which means you will most likely do a great deal of research first. You look at reviews, you compare prices, and you consider gas mileage. (You’re on Google a lot.) This level of research is logical! You’re about to spend tens of thousands of […]
Millions of years ago, the world was much different. This steamy, volcano-laden landscape is where the long-necked Diplacusis wandered. Thanks to its really long neck and tail, Diplacusis was so big that it was afraid of no predator. Actually, Diplodocus is the long-necked dinosaur from the Jurassic Period. Diplacusis is a hearing condition that causes […]
It’s a normal first response – denial. My loved one must be simply making it seem as if their hearing loss is more severe than it actually is. She’s not old enough for a hearing aid. It’s possible, the two of you have begun to joke around with one another about it. Your loved one […]