It’s true, hearing loss can catch you by surprise. But there are times when hearing problems suddenly pounce you like a cat rather than sneaking up on you. It could happen like this: you get up, drag yourself out of bed, and perhaps you don’t detect it until you get out of the shower but […]
You’re living with tinnitus and you’ve learned to adjust your life to it. You always leave the TV on to help you tune out the persistent ringing. You avoid going out for happy hour with friends because the loud music at the bar makes your tinnitus worse for days. You make appointments regularly to try […]
Want to show how much you care? Listen to your loved ones, truly listen. But you need to be able to hear in order to really listen. Studies reveal millions of people would benefit from wearing hearing aids because one in three adults between the ages of 65 and 74 have some level of hearing […]
Hearing aids are supposed to be used daily. But before you recycle your milk jugs, you’re supposed to wash them out too. We don’t always do what we’re supposed to. So yeah, you skip taking your hearing aids out of their storage container occasionally. You may even forget to use it for more than one […]
The human body is an awesome, breathtaking, perplexing, confounding construction, isn’t it? Scratches, cuts, and broken bones are generally no problem for the human body to repair (with a little time, your body can repair the huge bones in your arms and legs). But when it comes to repairing the delicate little hairs in your […]
If you have hearing aids, you should be able to hear, right? When your hearing aid stops doing its job, it can be really frustrating. Luckily, your hearing aids should have no trouble doing their job if you properly maintain them. Go through this list before you do anything hasty. If it’s not one of […]
The real problem with chronic tinnitus is not simply that you have a ringing in your ears. The real problem is that the ringing won’t stop. The continuous noise, perhaps somewhat moderate in volume, may start as little more than a nuisance. But the ringing can become frustrating and even debilitating if it continues for […]